# | Department | Verified Employees | Total Employees |
1 | Agriculture Department | 13381 | 14162 |
2 | Animal Sheep Husbandary | 7878 | 8121 |
3 | ARI and Training Department | 5 | 5 |
4 | Consumer Affairs & Public Distribution Department | 3670 | 4886 |
5 | Cooperative Department | 886 | 911 |
6 | Department of Culture | 502 | 503 |
7 | Disaster Management,Relief, Rehab. & Reconst. Dept | 3 | 3 |
8 | Education Department | 111437 | 112843 |
9 | Finance Department | 4511 | 4661 |
10 | Fisheries Department | 1417 | 1454 |
11 | Forest Department | 12122 | 13697 |
12 | General Administration Department | 3516 | 3786 |
13 | Health & Medical Education Department | 33014 | 36216 |
14 | Higher Education Department | 6378 | 7995 |
15 | Home Department | 82882 | 84177 |
16 | Horticulture Department | 1021 | 1101 |
17 | Hospitality & Protocol Department | 1017 | 1258 |
18 | Housing And Urban Development Department | 11126 | 12244 |
19 | Industry & Commerce Department | 2986 | 3382 |
20 | Information Department | 380 | 425 |
21 | Irrigation Department | 6773 | 7048 |
22 | Labour and Employment Department | 909 | 1084 |
23 | Law Department | 3859 | 4626 |
24 | Mining Department | 673 | 711 |
25 | Parliamentary Affairs Department | 283 | 283 |
26 | Planning Department | 894 | 949 |
27 | Power Development Department | 13235 | 15140 |
28 | Public Health Engineering Department | 12667 | 13093 |
29 | Public Works Department | 11148 | 12210 |
30 | Revenue Department | 8394 | 8660 |
31 | Rural Development Department | 8872 | 9340 |
32 | Science & Technology Department | 56 | 62 |
33 | Skill Development Department | 1350 | 1520 |
34 | Social Welfare Department | 2886 | 3255 |
35 | Tourism Department | 1054 | 1089 |
36 | Transport Department | 933 | 954 |
37 | Tribal Affairs Department | 7 | 7 |
38 | Youth Services and Sports Department | 2830 | 3028 |
39 | Others (Employees linked with no deparmtent) | 26348 | 58648 |
| Total Employee: | 401303 | 453537 |
| Total Pensioners: | 163361 |